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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Another little update

A pic of the hair cut will be up as soon as I can take a shower and do something with it. About the job... I haven't decided whether or not I am taking the job. I was supposed to get a tb test Tuesday, get it read Thursday and start my job on Friday. I didn't get my tb test on Tuesday because of the blizzard that we had. I got the test done on Wednesday and go back this evening. Well, I haven't decided completely whether or not I am going to take it. For the immature anonymous person that reads my blog and thinks that I am living off the taxes of people that actually work. I'm sorry but your wrong. I am not going to get worked up over someone that wont even confront me for who you are but as anonymous... GAY and GROW THE HELL UP, if your older and supposedly mature, then freaking show it!! I know that the job is going to be good for me, even if it is just part time. I'll be getting out of the house everyday, more than going to feed the horses, I'll be getting experience with children, and I'll have a job (For only three months, but at least I'll have my foot in the door and have a job for when I'm ready to go back to work) But for the anonymous one, my boyfriend thinks that I should stay home and collect unemployment (Yes, for those of you who actually work and pay taxes). But when I worked 70 hours a week this summer, I paid out plenty of freaking taxes, I am now getting back in unemployment. My boyfriend that fishes almost every single day from January to January, gets the shit taxed out of him, along with the other fisherman that live and work in the fishing village of the sinking island that I live on. He just see's it as getting his taxes back every week, through me. Well, I'm getting part of what he pays out in taxes every week. It would be better for me to stay home with the baby full time rather than working part time and having to pay for day care when I cant even see my daughter all day. Unemployment or no unemployment, he would rather have me home with our daughter. I have agreed up until now when it just hit me that I need a new car and unemployment isn't that great. I'm still trying to find one that is baby safe and not horrible on gas either. Even if I do find a suv for me and my youngin, that doesn't mean that I'll be able to afford it or the insurance, along with my other bills. So I would like all of you to know as of this moment, I am on schedule to work part time at Children's Workshop in Nags Head. I've heard that many of the employee's there don't like working there but that is something I will have to decide for myself. Basically my doc said that I could have my little girl up to two weeks early. If I have her two weeks early she could come as soon as April 18th, that is less than three months away. So if I completely hate this job then I am going to stick it out for as much as the three months that I am able to work, then I will have my little one, stay home for at least a month, month and a half, with her, then either find a full time, Monday -Friday job or just go back to Fisherman's Wharf and hopefully not have to work too many nights and weekends. I would love to be a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom) to experience that especially after reading Eden's blog and all the lovely comments on her post but I would also love to work a full time 9-5 job so that I can spend every night and weekend with my little girl. I'm sure that Chad will be making more than enough to support all three of us and all of the bills, including mine but I would like to be an independent woman like my mother is and not have to rely on a man for anything. I mean, even if I do go back to work after I have my baby girl, full or part time, Chad is most likely going continue to pay all the bills. I would use my money for little things that I think that I can't live with out, buy a car, or put the money in the bank for safe savings :) So this is the update on the job deal. So to the anonymous one... I hope you are happy although I did not make this decision with your opinion in all. Comments please :)


Melissa said...

Just so you know, and your anonymous commenter is aware of, unemployment is not paid for by working taxpayers. In fact, employers pay unemployment taxes so there is money when people file for unemployment. (Like in your case where you work closes for the season)

Mandy said...

Ohhh, thanks for clearing that up, either way, I am taking the job, for at least three months. If I absolutely cant stand it, then I wont go back after I have my baby girl. I really hope that I love it and it turns into a full time job. Wish me luck and keep me in your prayers :)

Kingston's Mom said...

Good decision, Mandy. It's worth giving it a try for a few months. Good luck! I hope you love it!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it time that Mandy updated her blog?