pregnancy calendar

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Ok so today I was informed that my page needed to be updated. Well, there's not really a lot to talk about. There's actually a lot I could talk about since I haven't made a post since the 16th when I made three posts. Can ya tell that I was a little excited about finding out what I was having! Yea, well since then she's been moving a lot more, everything with the baby is so far so good. Couldn't be happier. I spent my Christmas holiday with my mom, my sister, her husband and his family in Marion, Virginia. It's about an 7 or 8 hour drive. Mom and I left at 7 am Wednesday morning and came home Saturday afternoon/ night. Today was a busy day, seeing how I was too tired too clean and get everything done yesterday when I got home, I didn't do much. I did get my clothes washed but not folded. Today I was supposed to get A LOT done, so much for that. I got up and fed the horses this morning, went to my moms to get a desk thing and we decide to go to church. The service was great, we ran into a old friend and chatted with her and her grown daughter for a little bit. I did do some dishes and some more laundry although none of it got folded. So basically I was about to get some mad house cleaning and rearranging done but... Eden called and convinced me to go riding. I get ready to go riding, ready to go to the barn and my car doesn't start. I decided that since Gauge was in his bedroom for the most of the morning and I hadn't been exercising at all, that we would walk with Eden and mom while they rode. At that time I didn't know what I was getting myself into. I had to of walked a good 500 miles! I thought I was gonna drop! Some how I made it home alive and realized that I need groceries. Since my car is currently dead, I got my mom to run me to the store. Now I'm home trying to defrost some deer burger and getting ready to cook and vacuum. One of these days I will accomplish what I've got planned for the day, one day, probably not today though. I will go get started cleaning a little though. So that was a little of what I've done since the 24th. I'm not quite sure what I've done from the 16th through the 23rd. I'm quite sure that I did a whole lot of nothing, nothing at all. The 21st was Chads birthday so we went out to eat with his family then back to his parents house that night to get his presents and my Christmas presents since I wasn't here for Christmas. Hope everyone had a good Christmas, I know I did even though I missed my boyfriend, puppy and home sweet home. I will truly try my hardest to keep ya'll updated better than I have been! Sorry for the delay of posts but I've got to get back to my busy house cleaning duties.

Later Gators

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


It's a... (drum roll please) GIRL!! Think pink everyone!! Yay, I'm sooo happy!! My mom cried and I choked up when I told my sister. Chad wasn't too thrilled at first, he was in a shitty mood. He even called back to see if I was messing with him and to make sure that it wasn't too soon to tell! I think he secretly wanted a boy but he's happy now. I called him back after we left the doctors office and he was thankfully in a better mood. He knew my mom was tickled shit-less (His words) He said as long as the girls we happy then he was happy. He finished the conversation with "I LOVE YA'LL" He loves his two little girls. Him and Gauge went duck hunting. Chad was proud of his little man because he fetched up the duck that Daddy Chad shot. That's my little man!! Yay! So over all its been a good day! We have a healthy baby girl that weighs 12 ounces and her head is 2 inches wide. The little one must be doing flips right now, she's just a kicking away, I can even feel her moving when I put my hand on my belly!! Yay! Well me and the baby girl are going to cook dinner, I think she's kicking me now and telling me she's pretty hungry by now, lunch that we ate at 12 is no longer in our belly. Hopefully I will keep the blogging up.

Good news!!

So I'm leaving for the doctor in ten minutes with my mom and I cant wait!! I'm super excited, I didn't think that I was going to be this excited, I think I'm going to cry when the doc tells me what it is! Well Chad came in from fishing at 11:30 this morning so I will call him from the doctors office, then call my sister, maybe Chad's mom if he doesn't call her and then I will text my remaining friends. I'm super excited, getting butterflies now.... I better go get dressed! Cant wait to post my next blog post thing... YYYYAAAAAYYYYY!!!!

PS.... We will have ultra sound pics today too!!

5:30 AM....

So I've been wide awake since five o clock this morning. Chads alarm clock has been going off since quarter til four. Usually I can go back to sleep, maybe not right away buy at least by 6ish. I dont think today is going to be one of those days, today is the big day to find out whether or not Chad and I are having a beautiful baby girl or a gorgeous baby boy.I'm so excited! I would probably go back to bed easier if I were just to put some music on and put my computer away for awhile. It would also probably help if Gauge wasn't playing with his duck that quacks. Once he finds that quacker, he doesn't lay off of it. He killed his other duck and all his other squeaky toys that he's had. Well I think I'm going to lay back down and rest for a couple more hours until I have to get up to go feed the horses, do laundry and wait impatiently until 1:30 when I head up the beach with my mom. I'm sorry but I cant post my announcement or any hints until Chad comes home. From the doctors office I will call my sister, a couple close friends and Chad's mom. As soon as Chad calls me and I tell him whether he will be having the girl that he wants or the boy that I'm sure he wants even more, then I'll make my blog post about it. Well, that is, as long as I dont go riding for a bit. Have a good day everyone!

Sunday, December 14, 2008


"Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday." Don Marquis

For some reason, I'm starting to believe this quote. Maybe because I'm continuing to procrastinate my school work that I was supposed to turn in Monday, this past Monday, not tomorrow. And maybe, just maybe because I've got four or five loads of laundry to fold that have been building up for the past week or so. And maybe, just maybe I'm believing this quote more than ever because my life is one procrastination after another. Even when it comes to eating, I've been pretty hungry for the past hour and need to eat but I'm too lazy to get up and get some food. We have plenty of food in the fridge that all I have to do is heat up and there's plenty of simple things to cook but no, procrastination is evil. If it wasn't for the last minute, I would get nothing done! So I'm going to break this bad habit for a little while and find something to eat, shower and then head up the beach.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Break out the tissues!

Ok, so I had a really good day with Eden and Riya. When Riya was about to take her nap, I went home to take a quick spin around the block with Trouble. After that I went to Manteo with mom and about had a prego melt down. When mom picked me up at my house, we barely got around the corner when there was a little boy on the side of the road bawling his eyes out with a dog barking at him. I made mom back up so I could see if the poor child was ok. He said that he was just trying to get down the road but that dog kept chasing him and barking at him. I offered to hold the dog til he was down the road and he gladly accepted. So I held the dog til he was way down the road. The owners of this dog didn't even come out to see what was going on. That's messed up, I wanted to call the pound sooo bad, especially what I went through the other day for keeping by dog under control and training my dog so that he doesn't do that and this dog can chase a poor little child down the road and scare the shit out of him? That's messed up, I wanted to cry, I kept talking about it all the way to Manteo. My mom was laughing at my hormones, I didn't think it was too funny! Well in the grocery store, this psycho lady approached me and scared the shit out of me. I felt like that poor child getting chased by the mean dog as this lady followed me through the store. I waited until this lady left the store before I checked out. I was in line to check out and this loony tune came back into the store with round stickers with 666 and John 3:16 in it marked out. She was shouting hot off the press, here, have a sticker. She handed me one too, I said thanks psycho and she left. I handed my sticker to a couple guys that I know and said what she said to me. They left the sticker on the donuts and left before I did. I was on a hormonal roller coaster now. I was sad for the poor boy that got chased by the dog and I was scared for my life from that lady. Well I came home, me and Chad ate dinner and I checked my email because my mom told me that she sent me something from YouTube and that I better have tissues ready. I wasn't concerned about tissues cause I wasn't in a crying mood. Well I watched the video clip and was bawling my eyeballs out before it was over. I advise everyone to watch this clip. ( Whether you are a religious person or not, I believe that this will touch you, I know that it has touched me. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Going for the third night in a row...

So it's 10 o'clock and past my bedtime so I'm sitting here sipping on my warm, kind of hot, glass of milk. Chads laying on the couch snoozing so it's way past his bedtime. Lets see if I can go three nights in a row, sleeping through the night. I hope so because I've actually got to get up in the morning, take a shower, feed the horses, then hanging out with with Eden and the baby, hopefully it wont be raining s that we can get a quick ride in before Riya's nap time. I'm almost done with my milk so I'm going to get ready for bed. Good night to all!

Accomplished :)

I decided to push my luck and try to sleep through the night for two nights in a row so I tried the warm milk before bed again, no massage last night since Chad was already snoozing in the recliner. Before I got my warm milk, I woke Chad so that he could eat some chocolate pudding pie and ice cream while I ate a little ice cream and warm milk. We went to bed around 11. I didn't fall asleep right away but it wasn't long. I was out like a light. I slept like a baby until Gauge had to go out a couple times but I had no problem going back to sleep once I was back in bed. Gauge got sick last night and Chad helped him so that I could sleep. Amazingly enough I slept peacefully through the night and then some. Chad didn't have to go fishing today but he did have to be at the boat by 7:15. Since it was so early, I didn't get up to eat when he did, he did leave my breakfast out for me though. Me and Gauge went back to sleep until mom called and woke me up from my dreaming. I looked at the clock when she called and it was 8:58, almost 9 am!! I was thrilled! Even though I could of easily gone back to sleep, I got up and got ready to take my abused puppy to the barn. No drama this morning. I even called the animal shelter back and they came and checked out my puppy. They clearly saw that he was scared up people, under nurioused, abused, neglected, etc. Riiggghhtttt, Gauge went running up to the people wagging his tail, he couldn't he happier! His fat ass had to show off the horse hoof trimming from the barn yesterday. They said that he was a healthy puppy and he looked great. No harm was done by using the shocking collar, duh BOB!! Since they left, I have been inside doing school work and Gauge has ate his breakfast, and then some. I've been at this for over two hours, I think its time to run to the bank for mom and to take a break from school work for a little while. Hopefully I will come back home and continue working. I wish I had a job so I wasn't so bored all the time!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My drama filled morning at the BARN

I never thought that those words would ever combined to make a sentence. Drama at the barn?? What's that? The sad thing is that it wasn't between two females, and it totally came to me. What? Am I in high school or what? I thought that I was a mature adult, living with my boyfriend, and about to start a family, apparently some grown 'man' doesn't see that. So by now most of you are probably wondering what I am talking about. Well, I'm talking about my puppy following in his momma's footsteps. He got his first doggy offense today :) Lets go back a week or so on a chilly morning. As usual, my mom and I were feeding the horses. I take my puppy everywhere with me, especially to the barn, morning and night. He needs to get used to the horses seeing how he will be around them a lot. Well, Gauge went a house at the barn that Bob* lives at with his wife Sally* and dog Max*. When I went to get Gauge so that he wouldn't be a menace and so that he would learn to stay with me everywhere, Sally said that he was fine and that Max needed a friend to play with and asked if I would let Gauge stay and play. I said that was fine and I would be back shortly to get him. Mind you, this house is owned by the same couple that have the barn so it's spitting distance from my horse pen where I was feeding. So I got my dog and made him go in the pen with me to keep the horses straight. No problem at all, until the next day when we go to feed and Gauge wants to go play with Max and eat the cat food on Bob and Sally's porch. Not cool, I called him and he didn't come, I went to get him, punished him and made him stay with me. He continued to be hard headed so I talked to Chad about breaking out the shocking collar. He showed me how to use it, how to make sure Gauge knew that I was shocking him and that he was getting punished. I started using the shocking collar whenever we went to the barn and only shocked him when I had to continuously call him with no response. Well, this morning, I put Gauge's little training collar on and headed to the barn. Let me remind you that Gauge is a great puppy but he doesn't quite listen when there is another puppy playing with him and distracting him. So when Gauge went over to Max's I called several times, he didn't come so I shocked him once, he cried and came running like I asked him to. Well Bob came off the porch and jokingly asked what kind of bark was that when he cried. I told him he squealed because I just shocked him for not listening and showed him the remote. He turned around and went back into his house. No problem right, a little friendly conversation? I thought so too, at the moment. This morning was the morning that the farrier was in town so a lot of girls were at the barn. Well everyone starting coming at once to get their horse's feet trimmed by Ted. Even Eden came this time so that I could go up the beach with her after we were finished at the barn. Since it was still almost early, she brought me breakfast. Since we were at the barn and Gauge has never caused a scene there, I let him run while I sat in the car and ate a biscuit with Eden and Riya. I called mom over to the car so that me and Eden could talk to her. While we were talking I saw Bob stomping in our direction. Jokingly I said, "Look, Bob's coming to yell at me about my dog", not knowing just how right I was going to be. By this time, at the barn it was Ted, Brad, Shelly, Melody, Booten, Mom, Eden, Riya, me and a few dogs. Before I get heated up about the subject again and ramble on and on about this subject. If Bob had something to say about how I am training my puppy with a shocking collar don't you think that he should of said it and confronted me about it when I shocked him, when it was just us two out there joking about the matter. Don't you think he should of said something then instead of when there was a crowd of people? Ok, back to me predicting the future. Bob came up to Eden's car where she, I, mom and Riya were and started cussing at me asking me how legal is it to shock a puppy, it was inhumane, I was common, this that and the other. Thank God Eden spoke up and told him not to cuss in front of her daughter. He went on for a little while, until I was like what ever Bob, just shut up. In the first few seconds of this scene, my mom walked away because she would of gone off on Bob. Well I got out of the car and smart-assively asked well where is he then, huh? He said, I don't know, why don't you shock him and listen to him yelp. Well I called my dog, he came running with his tail wagging, with out even getting shocked....WOW!! That really pissed Bob off. My dog stayed with me as Bob stomped off mumbling. I yelled at him to shut up, shut your mouth Bob, go call the animal shelter you prick, ect. I didn't say once curse word during this whole ordeal, amazingly enough! Well, so that I could finish eating I put Gauge on a leash and my mom held him as I finished my breakfast. I went back and talked to the girls about the drama, we started joking about it as I was cooling down. Well Bob had to come get his dog that wasn't listening to him one bit, he couldn't even get his dog to follow him home. My smart ass, being as mad as I was with tears in my eyes, asked Bob if it was illegal to shock my dog? He said he didn't know yet but he was finding out. I said oh good, when you find out, please let me know. Since his dog wasn't listening to him at all, and I could see he was getting frustrated, I offered him my shocking collar. He didn't see the humor in my comment. He started up again about me being common, this that and the other, well it ended up being a screaming match again until Ted straight up told me to shut up and if Bob had anything to say that he would say it to him. That basically shut Bob up. We all got to talking about it again, that was the most action the barn had seen in ages. I loaded my dog up in my car to take him home so that me, Eden and Riya could head up the beach. I was still furious and the fact that Chad was fishing and I couldn't talk to him about it didn't help. The trip up the beach was a success. We were about to leave the place where Eden had her little business meeting when Debbie called me. I called her back when we got in the car and she said I should call my mom, worried, I asked what was wrong. She told me that the animal shelter was looking for me. By this time I was calmed down enough to laugh about it. I called mom and she said that the animal cop dude told her they know us and know that we would never do anything to do harm any animals. We came home and got ready to go for a ride around Wanchese. It was a much needed ride. Half way around the block my love called and was like what happened?!?!?! So I might have texted him and said that Gauge might go to doggy jail and then later I texted him and said that the animal shelter came looking for me. Well, I got all fired up again by telling him what happened today, he got sooo mad too! I think it was the combination of Bob cussing at me, especially in front of Eden's little girl and the fact that his little puppy was involved in this bullshit. Well, we got off the phone for a while. He called back when we were almost back to the barn and said that he was about to pack out the boat then he was going to try to make it to the barn in time to feed. When we finished our ride, I went back to my house and got my abused little puppy. I put his shocking collar on him and let him run. Cathy and Mike were at the barn to hear about my drama and to play with my lovely puppy that was an angel. Since I didn't have my car at the barn, me and Gauge went to mom's and waited for Chad to come get us. While we were in the truck he called his mother and informed her. I don't know exactly what she thinks about it because I could only hear Chad's side of the conversation. So he's thinking that he's going to get me up and at the barn by 7 am to go feed since he has to be at the boat at 7:30. HAHA!! I think we've all finally calmed down from all the stress and mess. Blogging has really helped me vent and cool off. So I guess I have to keep my dog glued to my hip at all times so that he doesn't cause a scene. I agree though, my puppy should stay with me at all times. That's how its going to be from here on out.

*Names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent

Eden and mom,
Ya'll were there and might have a couple comments to make, please do so and please use my names that I changed. If I left anything out or changed anything out of anger, please inform me and I will change it. Thanks gals!

So now that it's almost 11, I'm going to wake Chad up, eat some ice cream, drink my warm milk, then go to bed and see if I can sleep all night long for he second night in a row. How cool would that be?? Good night to all... I would really love comments from this post. If you would like, you can email me at or check me out on myspace at Thanks everyone!

"I slept through the night Chad, I did it!!"

I don't think I've ever been this excited to sleep through the night with out waking up every hour and staring at the clock for what feels like forever! No matter how tired I feel, I just can't seem to sleep. I've tried napping early in the day, late in the day, not napping at all, drinking very little after 8 and no sweets, I feel like I've tried it all. Well, I mentioned this to my mom, she said that a warm glass of milk before bed always helped her, which might explain when I was little I loved warm milk. Before I tried that I did what I always do when I have any questions about my pregnancy, I went to the website my sister sent me ( It will answer every question that you may ever have, even if your not pregnant. They seem to know what I'm going through, as it starts to happen. Well lately my calf mussels have been hurting, especially yesterday since I had the chance to work. The advice that I got from the bump was to get a massage from your partner. I've been hinting towards a massage for a week or two now but no luck, until he read it on the internet. Long story short, I got a wonderful leg massage after dinner then we turned around and I gave him a back massage. Both well deserved. Before bed he ate a piece of his chocolate pudding pie and I sipped on my warm glass of milk, then straight to bed we went. Chad never has any trouble falling asleep because he gets up at quarter to five in the morning, works hard all day in the ocean, and doesn't get home till eight or later. On the other hand, I don't work so even though I am pregnant, I'm not that tired if I don't do much during the day, so I don't always fall right asleep or stay asleep long. Last night was the test, and I passed!!! I slept like a baby, all night long! Usually I wake every hour and stare at the clock, not last night, when Chads alarm clock went off at quarter to five this morning, I didn't know what was going on, I figured it was about midnight or so. To my surprise it was morning time!!! I fell back asleep when he got ready to leave. When he woke me to say good morning and good bye, I sat up and said "I slept through the night Chad, I did it". He said you did baby? I was so excited I probably looked and sounded like a little kid at Christmas. Little does Chad know that he will be giving me a calf massage every night for the next for months, maybe more. :) One more thing, I've come to the conclusion that I have a very jealous dog, I cant even be on my computer without Gauge sleeping on my belly. Gotta love the little rascal :) Now I have to wake him up so we can go feed the horse.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

A little catching up...

The past couple days I've been exhausted. The parade went better than expected. I decided to ride bareback and I'm glad I did. I swear Trouble knows that he is carrying two, not just one up there and he takes care of us....for the most part. He was an angel in the parade, it wasn't until we were almost back to the trailer when he decided to act a fool. He side passed for at least a mile which would of been fine it I was making him do it but I wasn't. When we got back to the trailer, a lot of people decided to right in north end, including my ride up there. Well I wasn't in the mood to ride anymore, I was tired, getting cold, sore, and quite upset with my horse so I wasn't riding. A big thanks to Amy who met us at north end after dropping off a horse and took me home. We loaded Trouble in the trailer when mom decided that she wanted to enjoy her afternoon ride since Daisy was a complete blonde b*tch during the entire parade. So we loaded Daisy up and mom took Trouble on her afternoon ride, which was much needed for him since he's over weight, mom that needed the relaxing ride, and even Daisy which isn't as plump as Trouble or Harley. After the parade, I was exhausted so after I put Daisy up, went and got my puppy, we came home and laid down for a while. Chad didn't come home till late, I went to Donna's and hung out with mom, Windy and Donna for a while and even let Gauge play with Max for a while. So Chad got home, we ate dinner, laid around for a couple hours, then finally went to bed. He had today off so I french toast and bacon ready at 7:15. I love it when he doesn't have to fish, a real breakfast always beats cereal, cookies, yogurt, etc. After we ate today he started out his day working on the grey and white truck as I went to feed the horses. After I fed I went to my mom's because I hadn't heard from her yet and I was checking on her, I went home at ten to relax. Mission accomplished, I napped from about 10:30 till 2ish. It was a well needed nap seeing how I haven't been sleeping well at night. I woke up to Chad and Carson making sure the truck was fixed by stomping it in gear, making the already loud truck really, really loud! I woke up, cleaned the kitchen, and started making tea for Chad. We watched tv for a while then he went to a friends and then to the grocery store. I finished the tea, fed the horses then made Chad's favorite pasta salad, my new favorite fruit salad, and I even made Chad a surprise chocolate pudding pie, which he hasn't got yet but knows something is going on because I haven't let him in the fridge all evening. When he got home he made tuna on the grill while I finished off dinner with some corn bread and beans. Dinner was delightful! We have enough left over tuna to last a month! Yummy :) Right after dinner, I cleaned the kitchen again, put the left overs away and made myself comfy on the couch since Chad is snoozing in the recliner. I will shortly wake him up for dessert and to go to bed. The baby is moving more than usual tonight so I better try to go to sleep now if I want to sleep at all tonight. I'm going to miss Chad tomorrow when he's fishing but at least I'll be eating good all week! Wish me luck with waking Oscar up. Good night everyone!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas Parade

So I've been awake since 5ish when Chad got up and left to go fishing :( That means he won't be able to watch me in the Christmas parade :( I took about an hour nap then got up and took a shower, I've got to run and feed the horses and start prettying up Trouble. I'm still debating whether or not I should use a saddle, I'm going towards not. But I just figured I'd leave a quick blog this morning since I had nothing to blog about yesterday. I'm hoping Eden takes lots of good pictures of me and Trouble since I lost all of my pictures when my computer died. I couldn't help but thinking back to three years ago when I rode Zeke in the Christmas parade. I still have the ribbons that I put on his bridle. I'm hoping Trouble will be as good as Zeke was. I miss Zeke so much I can't stand it. I wish that Zeke was here to welcome the new member to me and Chad's family but I cant complain with Trouble. I will put some pictures up and do more blogging after the parade and after I thaw out. Have a great day everyone!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

My day with Eden and Riya

So I woke up this morning for the second day in a row after 8 o'clock :) Since I've had Gauge (my puppy) I haven't been able to lay in bed past 7 or 7:30 at the latest, even when Chad is home. Well Gauge has been sleeping later and later and now it's finally until 8:30ish when my mom calls to go feed the horses. It's been lovely! Well, I woke up this morning thinking it was going to be a boring day like the past three weeks since I haven't been working. So I get up, feed the horses with my mom, go to Dixie's (a crazy CRAZY horse lady from Wanchese) to talk to her about some hay, went to Chad's truck to get his check, took it to the bank for him, and was on my way home when Eden called :) She convinced me to run up the beach with her and Riya. Well I went to her house while she was getting herself and Riya ready, went to the Cotton Gin (Soo much fun), then Eden ran into the dollar tree while me and the baby sat in the car, straight from there we went to Wanchese for lunch, my favorite time of the day, after that I had to go get my car and go riding with mom. It was perfect timing because little Riya was just going to sleep. So today was a success! The Cotton Gin was so much fun with Riya. We went up stairs like 5 times to check out all the Christmas decorations. I definitely fell in love with a little pink fuzzy tree and a few ornaments. I will definitely be going back to do out Christmas shopping for our first Christmas together in our own house! I convinced Eden to do the marina for lunch, not as good as Mickey D's but it was nice because Eden and Riya got to see Big Gully and Karen, which was nice. The ride around Wanchese was nice as well, as me and mom were leaving Roscoe's, Mandy and Maddie were about to go riding too so we waited for them. It's so cute watching a five year old ride a full grown horse. So I'm a little sore right now but its ok, my little pony needed the exercise. When we got back to the barn I was talking to Cathy about how a over weight horse is worse than a skinny horse, we would go to jail if they were to enforce it. I came home to my poor puppy out side in his crate ready to go potty. So I let him out then we came in to relax. He ate his dinner and I started my blog, he desided that it was his lap time. When Gauge wants some love, he wants it now. I put my computer down to love on my baby for a bit and decided to try out my web cam that I've never used. Here's a couple pictures of my not so little puppy, I was too lazy to get up to turn another light on so they are kind of dark, but hey, we tried!

A little while after goofing off, we got that phone call that was to inform us that Chad just went under the inlet bridge, then an hour later we got a call that he would like me to take his checkbook to his mom so that she can write out checks to pay the bills. She's like his little book keeper. So I did as I was told... Now I'm waiting for his grumpy ass to call me in another hour to tell me to order the pizza so I can get dinner! Since I have an hour to burn, I think I'm going to do some myspacing and facebooking since I refuse to fold laundry until there's at least two loads to fold and put up. Enough blogging for today, catch up some more tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Waiting on a man

Ok, since I'm waiting on Chad, as usual to get home from fishing, I guess I will do a little blog for him. Although I cant complain because he's the only one making money at this point and time. Well, he doesn't know that I've started my own blog, I don't think he really knows what a blog is except when I show him Eden and Missy's blogs and pictures on their blogs. First off I have to say that I am ohh sooo grateful for my lovely boyfriend. He means the world to me although I don't always show him how much I appreciate him. We aren't quite high school sweethearts but almost. He met in high school and sorta kinda tried to date, well that didn't work so we quit. I wasn't as hard headed and determined to keep him as I am now. We both went our own ways for a couple years. We dated different people throughout those next couple years but somehow ended up back into each other's arms :) Awww. I'm not going to lie, it hasn't been the smoothest road. We are human and have had our share of petty arguments and fights but always work them out. Yes, most of the time it's my fault, especially recently because I let my hormones get the best of me. Well we've been together for about a year and a half and I couldn't be happier. We now have our own house and will be starting our own little family in five months. A while back Chad told me that when we get our own house together then I can get a puppy, well we didn't expect to be having a baby when we decided to get our own house. I didn't forget what he told me and one day when he was fishing, I went and got a chocolate lab puppy with out telling him until he called. Since I surprised him with a new member to our family, I let him name the puppy, but I had to like it. We agreed on Gauge. Ok, now back to Chad...First off, I love him to death even though he can be a grump at times. He has always spoiled me rotten! If he had the money when I would mention that I liked something or would like to have it, no matter what the cost of the item, I would usually have it in a day or two. When he's fishing, he gives me his debit card so that I can get what ever I want or feel like I need. I cant complain about anything at all! For pete's sake, when I told him that he was going to be a father, he went straight out and got us a nice three bedroom, two bath house, right in Wanchese with my mom and horse and his parents and brother. He really stepped up to the plate, big time! I honestly think that this soon to be new member of our family has brought us so much closer together. I don't know what to say about him. I don't want to keep saying the same thing over and over nor do I want to make it sound like we have a perfect relationship because if you ask me, no relationship is ever perfect. But I can honestly say that I think that he is the one for me to spend the rest of my life with. I'm not just saying that because we are starting a family before we got married and all. I'm not going to get married just because I am pregnant but because I am in love with this man. We are not running out this weekend to get married anytime soon but one day, one day in a few years it may just happen. Well I just got that wonderful phone call from my man, he just came in the inlet. That means I will get another phone call when they are about to pack out the boat so that I can start preparing dinner, that way it will be hot and ready for him when he gets home. :) I love being a little housewife :) So I guess I've done enough rambling for this blog. I hope that I get better at this blogging thing with time.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A day in the life of me...

Since I cant find a job in the middle of this economic disaster, my days are pretty much boring. If Chad's not fishing then my day is just a little different. When Chad's home I can sleep in untill at least 7:30. He gets up when the sun comes up. He takes the puppy out, makes his coffee and starts on out breakfast. When he's home, I definatly eat healthy. He wakes me up when breakfast is ready if I'm not already up. We eat breakfast then I usually do the dishes and make the bed. Then I go feed the horses with mom, occasionally taking her a little breakfast too when there's leftovers. Depending on what I have to do that day I may take a shower in the morning or wait until I find something to do. Chad usually gets dressed and finds something to do. He will go help his buddies with what ever they are doing just to get out of the house. We are complete opposites, he cant just sit down and watch tv all day unlike me. I do get bored but I can sit home all day and watch tv. Usually there's some sort of cleaning to do whether is the kitchen counters, whether the kitchen floor needs to be swept and mopped or the rest of the floors need to be vacuumed and there's always laundry to get done and most of the time I procrastinate on all my chores. If Chad is home, like not fishing I'm pretty good at getting it done so that when he comes home I can spend time with him. If he eats lunch he comes home to eat something from the house and if he's eating something that I want then he cooks double for me :) but when he doesnt eat lunch then I figure out something to eat. By this time I've got to get out of the house for a little while, I usually either go to the barn or visit my mom at the marina. If its a pretty day I go riding for a couple hours. Then around 5 I cook dinner for me and Chad, we eat, I clean up, we lay around the house watching tv, then we fall asleep for a few hours, wake up, sometimes eat some ice cream before we go to bed, go to bed and start it all over again. Ok, so maybe my day isnt that different from when Chad's home or when he goes fishing for the day. On the days that Chad goes fishing, he gets up and out of the house by 5. He takes the puppy out before he leaves so that I can sleep a little longer, as long as the puppy lets me. Then I get up, take the puppy out, find something to eat. Its usually not eggs, bacon, sausage biscuits, sweety rolls, Chad makes me, its usually cookies or something simple, sometimes I'll go all out and make an english muffin. Then I go to meet mom at the barn to feel the animals, then me and the pup come home to do some chores around the house and basically sit around for the majority of the day. Then I'll go visit mom and the marina or go see my ex coworkers at Fishermans Wharf. If the weather's nice, I'll go for a pony ride with my mom and a couple other people. By this time I'm getting pretty excited to hear from my baby! When I get that phone call I usually head home to start cooking dinner. He gets home when dinners still cooking, he takes a shower, eats dinner, relaxes and plays with the puppy while I clean up the kitchen then the routine kicks in. We now lay on the couch for a couple hours napping, wake up, eat ice cream, go to bed. See, this is the boring life of Mandy. I'd so much rather be working 60 hours a week than being a bum but I can't find a job... anywhere!! I am so thankful for my wonderful boyfriend. That's what my next blog will be about... Blogging really is addictive!!

My first of many blogs :)

Ok, so I'm definatly new at blogging. I dont know where to start. Do I tell my life story in short or start with today?? Well first off, I've had a couple insperations to blogging. I read my sister, Missy's, blog everyday, right after that I have to go straight to Eden's blog. For those who don't know these two lovely ladies, you are truely missing out on extremely great friendships. Missy is my one and only sister. Although we havent exactly been best friends since we were little, she has always been there for me. I've definatly made some mistakes in my life, and my sister has been there for me to give me her opinion, even though I didnt always ask for it. I love her to death and owe the world to her. Eden has been my sister's best friend since they were knee high to grasshoppers. She was basically part of our family. Eden and I have become pretty good friends here recently. These two girls mean the world to me and have inspired me to start blogging. Another great woman in my life is my mom. She is my idol, my hero, my everything. No matter what, she's always been there for me even though I havent exactly wanted here there at all times. I can think that I am a grown woman that can make it on my own with the help of my wonderful boyfriend but when it comes down to it, I've never been what she's been through. I hope and pray everyday that I will be as good as a mother that she has been to me, Missy, and even Eden. So I've thought about it and I'm not going to tell my life story because if you are reading this then you should know my life story, if not...just ask. It's that simple. So I just what to thank all of those lovely people in my life that have been there for me through thick and thin. No matter what ya'll will always have a special part in my heart. I am so thankful for ya'll being in my life. I truely believe that God has put each and every one of you in my life for a reason. Thank you, I love you.